Monitor Portal:
Welcome to the home of the Smart Water Monitor! Whether you are using the SWM to help validate your Smart Valve results, to give you 24/7 real time information about your water consumption, or for leak detection and alerting that can save huge amounts of money and water, these technologically advanced yet elegantly simple devices are the solution you need.
Some of the benefits of the Smart Water Monitor include:
High Resolution Data
SWM high resolution data allows you to view and manage data from your live dashboard with real-time leak notifications directly from your phone. View data in intervals from daily down to second-by-second consumption. View your usage history at any time.
Simple Deployments
No plumbing needed! SWM is designed to ensure that you can easily set up and start monitoring your water usage without the need for specialized tools or extensive technical knowledge.
SWM’s water monitoring solutions are a fraction of the cost of alternatives without compromising on quality or functionality.
Customizable Sensors
SWM’s range of customizable sensors allow you to monitor various building types, helping to instantly pinpoint leaks and protect infrastructure.